As an anchor, I usually get to interact with many high- ranking office holders who have witnessed quite a few events and know the drill very well. So, when young blood who had never tasted meat came calling, I could not refuse them.
The two days of gig were happening when I was in one of the busiest phases of my life as an emcee. This is a boon most of the times as I get to tap into my spontaneity on stage. To be honest, the organisers here had done a lot of work to foresee any shortcomings on the stage.
As a result of which, the two days were quite a cakewalk. It made me feel like I the most experienced one here was being heard out but not without a barrage of fresh ideas coming out from the guys responsible backstage. Numerous performances from talents all over the world, the laser show and of course, the energy IIT- Mumbai had for the two days was just a compere's dream come true.
Check out the video below to see what I'm talkig about :)